


I come from a long line of great home cooks. I’m Italian! In my family every get together, holiday and occasion is surrounded by food. We love to eat, and when we get together around the table, we’re do!

I said I come from a long line of great cooks, but the best cook in the family, hands down, was my mom’s mom;  Grandma Grace. Growing up, I spent a lot of time with her in her kitchen, because she was always cooking something! I recall one day being in the kitchen with her while she was making (red) sauce, or gravy- as some would call it. I noticed how deep red that sauce was. I asked, “Grandma, how do you get your sauce such a deep, red color?” She said, “ well, my whole heart and soul is in that pot”. She loved cooking, and it showed. Not only in that red sauce, but in everything she cooked. You could actually taste the love in everything she made. It was all just so delicious. Simple ingredients, tons of flavor, and cooked to perfection every time. She would cook a big batch of something like fried eggplant, or macaroni and peas (yes, I said peas, it’s delicious), and then she would call me, my mother and my aunt to come pick it up and deliver it to everyone else (we all lived in the same area). The first to pick up the food, kept the food. All of it. No one else ever got theirs. My grandmother’s food was that good!

That story and conversation took place many years ago, and she has since passed. But, I hold her take on cooking close to me every day; forget measuring, season and taste everything multiple times while you’re cooking, and always cook with love.

Because of Grandma Grace, I’ll never forget to do all the important things in life with my whole heart and soul; cook, laugh, love, learn and live.

So, this website isn’t just about cooking (although, it is a big part of it because I love cooking and have tons of great recipes), but it’s also about things I love (some of my favs), junk I could live without (thumbs down), and lots of tips on everything from tunes, to glam, to social media engagement and more.

I have a lot to say. I hope you’ll be able to latch onto something that you can relate to, that inspires you, or makes you laugh every time you come back.
